Gilles Marait (SED / CONCACE)

Table of Contents

Porte Cailhau at dusk

1. Home

1.1. Position

Research engineer at sed Inria Research Center at the University of Bordeaux. I'm currently working with the concace project team.

1.2. Contact

Gilles Marait
Inria Research Center at the University of Bordeaux
200 Avenue de la Vieille Tour, B227
33405 Talence

1.3. Visit us

I'm part of the Bordeaux concace Team, located in the main building of the Inria Research Center at the University of Bordeaux, on Talence campus.

Bordeaux Team building

How to get there

2. Research

2.1. Interests

  • High-performance computing
  • Modern C++
  • Linear algebra
  • Development and software engineering
  • guix
  • emacs and org-mode

3. Software

  • composyx : composable linear algebra solver

Created: 2025-01-10 Fri 09:39
