CONCACE (home)

Table of Contents

1. Home

Кандинский Вид из окна Грисбрау

1.1. Objective

To tackle challenges posed by extensive scale and dimensionality in both model- and data-driven applications, we'll leverage contemporary development tools and languages to craft high-level expressions of advanced parallel numerical algorithms. While conventional high-performance computing (HPC) strategies emphasize maximizing hardware utilization, our alternative approach will enable a richer composability, thereby harnessing the full potential of both existing and novel numerical algorithms.

Les merveilles de l'industrie, 1873 "Moulin employé à la brasserie Fanta, à Sèvres, pour ébarber, cribler et concasser le malt". (4306314570)

1.2. Project

1.3. Partners

The concace project is a joint Inria-Industry team involving members from two private partners, namely, Airbus Central R&T and Cerfacs.



The permanent members possess extensive expertise in parallel computational science, each emphasizing distinct aspects within computer science and applied mathematics. The team comprises individuals from varied academic and professional backgrounds, rendering it diverse and multidisciplinary, with a broad range of skills and knowledge.

This joint initiative was strongly motivated by the common scientific interests and their shared view of research actions.

1.4. Team Introduction Video

1.5. Non Technical Team Presentation (EN / FR)

1.5.1. English (EN)

This is the main concace webpage. For a less technical presentation, click here.

1.5.2. Français (FR)

Ceci est la page web principale de concace. Pour une présentation moins technique, rendez-vous ici.

1.6. Activity Reports

You can check out our activity reports.

1.7. Internal (private)

2. Members

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2.1. Permanent members

2.2. Post-docs

2.3. PhD students

  • El-Mehdi Attaouchi, Edf, from Mar. 2022
  • Théo Briquet, Inria from Nov. 2023
  • Hugo Dodelin, Inria from Oct. 2024
  • Antoine Gicquel, Inria - ANR Diwina, from Nov. 2023
  • Alexandre Malhéné, Inria from Oct. 2024
  • Sai Aakash Dasar, Cerfacs from Aug. 2024
  • Atte Torri, LISN (co-advised with O. Kaya, LISN), from Dec. 2021
  • Amine Zekri, Laplace (co-advised with J.R. Poirier, Laplace), from Nov. 2023

2.4. Engineers

2.5. External collaborators

  • Luciano Drozda, Senior researcher Cerfacs
  • Oguz Kaya, LISN, Saclay, Associate Professor
  • Jean René Poirier (HDR), INP Toulouse, Associate Professor
  • Ulrich Rüde, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany and Cerfacs

2.6. Former members

  • Guillaume Dindart, Inria, intern M1 05/24-08/2024
  • Hugo Dodelin, Inria pre-doctoral student 05/2024-09/2024
  • Marek Felsoci, Inria-Airbus Central R&T, PhD, 2019-2023, manuscript available here
  • Pierre Esterie, Inria engineer, 2019-2023
  • Karim Mohamed El Maarouf, PhD with IFPEN, 2019-2023, manuscript soon available
  • Aurélien Gauthier, Inria, intern M1 05/24-08/24
  • Martina Iannacito, Inria, PhD, 2019-2022, manuscript available here
  • Marwin Lasserre, Inria-Airbus Central R&T, post-doc, 2022-2024
  • Antoine Jego, IRIT (co-advised with A. Buttari (CNRS) and A. Guermouche (Topal team), PhD 2020-2023, manuscript available here
  • Alexandre Malhéné, Inria, intern M2 03/2024-08/24
  • Romain Peressoni, Inria/Région, PhD 2019-2021, manuscript available here
  • Maksym Shpakovych , Inria-Airbus Central R&T, post-doc 2022-2023
  • Nicolas Venkovic, Cerfacs, PhD 2018-2022
  • Yanfei Xiang, Inria-Cerfacs, PhD, 2019-2022, manuscript available here

3. Job offers

Vassily Kandinsky, 1925 -In Blue

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Discover our open positions below and become part of our team!

3.1. Engineer positions

There is currently an open engineer position in the context of the The French program dedicated to Exascale (NumPEx). Read the html / pdf job offer and join the composyx development team!

3.2. Postdoc positions

No postdoc positions are currently open. However, if you're interested in our research topics, feel free to reach out to us – we’d be happy to discuss potential opportunities.

3.3. PhD positions

3.3.1. Composability of execution models for linear algebra

Composition No. III

The principle of separation of concerns involves dividing a software program into distinct sections, each managing a specific aspect of the overall problem. This modular design allows code to be reused, extended, or modified independently, and is widely regarded as best practice in software engineering. However, in high-performance computing (HPC), this principle is less commonly applied due to the need for high inter-component cooperation and the complexities of deploying code on supercomputers.

The aim of a this PhD thesis is to create a new task-based execution model and clearly separate the programming model from the execution model in composyx, enabling the use of either the existing MPI engine or the new task-based engine without altering the numerical algorithms' programming.

The performance and versatility of this model will be evaluated using existing and newly developed dense and sparse linear algebra algorithms.

Read more: html / pdf.

3.4. Master positions with possible continuation in a PhD

  • Solving sparse linear systems using Krylov's modular and adaptive mixed-precision methods, collaboration with LIP6 in the context of the PEPR Numpex, for more details see here
  • Backward stability analysis of numerical linear algebra kernels using normwise-perturbation, collaboration with LIP6 in the context of the PEPR Numpex, for more details see here
  • Composability of execution models, for more details see here
  • Unsupervised learning using spectral approaches, in collaboration with IRIT, for more details see here
  • Abstraction of Krylov-type subspace methods, for more details see here
  • Unification of hierarchical methods for linear systems processing, for more details see here
  • Fault-tolerant numerical iterative algorithms at scale, collaboration with ENS Lyon in the context of the PEPR Numpex, for more details see here

4. Research

Wassily Kandinsky Composition IV

4.1. Context

Over the past few decades, there have been innumerable science, engineering and societal breakthroughs enabled by the development of high performance computing (HPC) applications, algorithms and architectures. These powerful tools have enabled researchers to find computationally efficient solutions to some of the most challenging scientific questions and problems in medicine and biology, climate science, nano­technology, energy, and environment – to name a few – in the field of model-driven computing.

Finite element triangulation

Meanwhile the advent of network capabilities and IoT, next generation sequencing, … tend to generate a huge amount of data that deserves to be processed to extract knowledge and possible forecasts. These calculations are often referred to as data-driven calculations.

Woman looking through magnifying glass with numbers

These two classes of challenges have a common ground in terms of numerical techniques that lies in the field of linear and multi-linear algebra. They do also share common bottlenecks related to the size of the mathematical objects that we have to represent and work on; those challenges retain a growing attention from the computational science community. Get onboard and Enter the Matrix with Us!


4.2. Objective

In this context, the purpose of the concace project, is to contribute to the design of novel numerical tools for model-driven and data-driven calculations arising from challenging academic and industrial applications. The solution of these challenging problems requires a multidisciplinary approach involving applied mathematics, computational and computer sciences. In applied mathematics, it essentially involves advanced numerical schemes both in terms of numerical techniques and data representation of the mathematical objects (e.g., compressed data, low-rank tensor, low-rank hierarchical matrices). In computational science, it involves large-scale parallel heterogeneous computing and the design of highly composable algorithms.

Les merveilles de l'industrie, 1873 "Moulin employé à la brasserie Fanta, à Sèvres, pour ébarber, cribler et concasser le malt". (4306314570)

Through this approach, the concace project intends to contribute across all stages ranging from the design of new robust and accurate numerical schemes to the flexible implementation of the corresponding algorithms for modern supercomputers. To address these research challenges, researchers from Airbus Central R&T, Cerfacs and Inria have decided to combine their skills and research efforts within the concace project-team.

The project will enable us to address the complete range of issues, spanning from fundamental methodological considerations to thorough validations on demanding industrial test cases. Collaborating on this joint project will foster genuine synergy between fundamental and practical research, offering complementary advantages to all participating partners.

Jules Verne

5. Software

Kandinsky-Wassily-Komposition-X Kunstsammlung NRW 1024

  • Avci: Adaptive Vibrational Configuration Interaction is a shared memory C++ software that computes vibrational spectra of molecules.
  • cppdiodon: it is a joint software development with the PLEIADE team, whose goal is to propose efficient methods from laptop to supercomputer for the main linear dimension reduction methods for learning purposes on massive data sets. It is based on fmr and may be accelerated with chameleon.
  • fabulous: Fast Accurate Block Linear krylOv Solver is a software package that implements Krylov subspace methods with a particular emphasis on their block variants for the solution of linear systems with multiple right-hand sides.
  • fmr: Fast and accurate Methods for Randomized numerical linear algebra.
  • h-mat: Herarchical-matrix is a way to store and manipulate matrices in a hierarchical and compressed way. The sequential version of the library is available as open-source software (GPL v2) on github), the full-featured parallel version is proprietary, owned by Airbus Central R&T.
  • composyx: composyx supersedes the maphys (Massively Parallel Hybrid Solver) software package that implements parallel linear solvers coupling direct and iterative approaches.
  • Celeste: it is a C++ library for Efficient Linear and Eigenvalue Solvers using TEnsor decompositions. This library is co-developed with O. Kaya from LISN.
  • scalfmm: Scalable Fast Multipole Method is a tool to compute interactions between pairs of particles using the fast multipole method.

6. Collaborations

Kandinsky - Jaune Rouge Bleu

6.1. National initiatives

  • High Performance Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software
    • Acronym: HSPIS
    • Duration: 2022 - 2024
    • Funding: ESA
    • Coordinator: ONERA
    • Partners: Airbus DS, Artenium, Inria
    • Summary: Controlling the plasma environment of satellites is a key issue for the nation in terms of satellite design and propulsion. Three-dimensional numerical modelling is thus a key element, particularly in the preparation of future space missions. The SPIS code is today the reference in Europe for the simulation of these phenomena. The methods used to describe the physics of these plasmas are based on the representation of the plasma by a system of particles moving in a mesh (here unstructured) under the effect of the electric field which satisfies the Poisson equation. ESA has recently shown an interest in applications requiring complex 3D calculations, which may involve several tens of millions of cells and several tens of billions of particles, and therefore in a highly parallel and scalable version of the SPIS code.
  • Massively parallel sparse grid PIC algorithms for low tempertaure plasma simulations
    • Acronym: Maturation
    • Duration: 2022 - 2026
    • Funding: ANR
    • Coordinator: Laplace
    • Partners: IMT, Inria, Maison de la simulation
    • Summary: the project aims at introducing a new class of PIC algorithms with an unprecedented computational efficiency, by analyzing and improving, parallelizing and optimizing as well as benchmarking, in the demanding context of partially magnetized low temperature plasmass through 2D large scale and 3D computations, a method recently proposed in the literature, based on a combination of sparse grid techniques and PIC algorithm.
  • Magnetic Digital Twins for Spintronics : nanoscale simulation platform
    • Acronym: Diwina
    • Duration: 2022 - 2026
    • Funding: ANR
    • Coordinator: Institut Néel
    • Partners: CMAP, Inria, Spintec
    • Summary: The DiWiNa project aims at developing a unified open-access platform for spintronic numerical twins, ie, codes for micromagnetic/spintronic simulations with sufficiently-high reliability and speed so that they can be trusted and used as reality. The simulations will be bridged to the advanced microcopy techniques used by the community, through plugins to convert the statics or time-resolved 3D vector- fields into contrast maps for the various techniques, including their experimental transfer functions. To achieve this, we bring together experts from different disciplines to address the various challenges: spintronics for the core simulations, mathematics for trust, algorithmics for speed, experimentalists for the bridge with microscopy. Practical work consists of checking the time-integration stability of spintronic torque involved in the dynamics when implemented in the versatile finite-element framework, improve the calculation speed through advanced libraries, build the bridge with microscopies through rendering tools, and encapsulate these three key ingredients into a user-friendly Python ecosystem. Through open-access and versatile user-friendly encapsulation, we expect that this platform is suited to serve the needs of the entire physics and engineering community of spintronics. The platform will be unique in its features, ranging from simulation to the direct and practical comparison with experiments. It will contribute to reduce considerably the number of experimental screening for the faster development of new spintronic devices, which are expected to play a key role in energy saving.
  • Low rank tensor decomposition for fast electromagnetic modeling of electrical engineering devices
    • Acronym: tensorVIM
    • Duration: 2022 - 2026
    • Funding: ANR
    • Coordinator: Laplace
    • Partners: G2ELab, Inria
    • Summary: This project aims to develop powerful calculation tools for the rapid implementation of electromagnetic simulations of electrical engineering devices using volume integral methods. These techniques based on a tensor writing of the numerical resolution have recently been applied to integral methods and make it possible to reduce the complexity of the calculations and to avoid an increase in the dimension.

6.2. European initiatives

  • A network for supporting the coordination of High-Performance Computing research between Europe and Latin America
    • Acronym: RISC2
    • Duration: 2021 - 2023
    • Funding: H2020
    • Coordinator: atlantis Inria
    • Partners: orschungzentrum Julich GMBH (Germany), {{inriai}} (France), Bull SAS (France) , INESC TEC (Portugal), Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), CIEMAT (Spain), CINECA (Italy), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Universidad Industrial de Santander (Columbia), Universidad de le Republica (Uruguay), Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica (Brazil), Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politecnico Nacional (Mexico), Universidad de Chile (Chile), Fundacao Coordenacao de Projetos Pesquisas e Estudos Tecnologicos COPPETEC (Brazil), Fundacion Centro de Alta Tecnologia (Costa Rica)
    • Summary: Recent advances in AI and the Internet of things allow high performance computing (HPC) to surpass its limited use in science and defence and extend its benefits to industry, healthcare and the economy. Since all regions intensely invest in HPC, coordination and capacity sharing are needed. The EU-funded RISC2 project connects eight important European HPC actors with the main HPC actors from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Uruguay to enhance cooperation between their research and industrial communities on HPC application and infrastructure development. The project will deliver a cooperation roadmap addressing policy- makers and the scientific and industrial communities to identify central application areas, HPC infrastructure and policy needs.

7. Publications

Wassily Kandinsky Composition VIII

8. Contact

Kandinsky Sunday

8.1. Join us

8.1.1. Scientific leaders

In our collaborative effort, the leadership team comprises representatives from Airbus Central R&T, Cerfacs and Inria. Join our co-leaders:

8.1.2. Team assistant

8.2. Visit us

Our team is distributed across three locations, working collaboratively to achieve our goals.

8.2.1. Bordeaux Team @ Inria

The Bordeaux Team is located in the main building of the Inria Research Center at the University of Bordeaux, on Talence campus.

Inria Research Center at the University of Bordeaux
200 Avenue de la Vieille Tour
33405 Talence

Bordeaux Team building

How to get there

8.2.2. Paris Team @ Airbus Central R&T

The Paris Team is located in the Airbus CRT/VPE building of Issy-Les-Moulineaux.

Airbus CRT/VPE
22 Rue du Gouverneur Général ÉBOUÉ,
Bât. Colisée EDEN - 4th Floor,
92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux

Paris Team building

How to get there

8.2.3. Toulouse Team @ Cerfacs

The Toulouse team is located in Cerfacs on the campus of Météo-France, in the western part of Toulouse, at 7 km away from Toulouse downtown and at 8 km from Toulouse Blagnac Airport.

42 avenue Gaspard Coriolis
31057 Toulouse Cedex 1

Toulouse Team building

How to get there

Created: 2025-01-10 Fri 09:35
